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[分享] 星际车业优惠进行中!请车友互相转告!

发表于 2007-1-9 15:21:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 星际车业又有好东西优惠给车友了,身为星际的会员真的非常高兴啊,大家想买东东抓紧时间啊,都是进口专业的东东,可以显示出自己的高贵气质,下面把内容分享给大家!:</P>
<>Door to Door with Star Bike’s latest Inernet Sales<BR>星际网上购物连上门试穿服务<BR>From 1/Jan/07 till Chinese New Year in Feb 18, Star Bike will be offering a even bigger 2nd PHASE discount with UP TO 50% on many Arlen Ness, Berik, Suomy helmets, Leo Vince Exhaust, Michelin Tyres, Ohlins suspensions and many other Motorcycle performance branded product.<BR>由於大量车友要求, 由07年1月1日至 07年2月18日农历年业, 星际年业将进入第二阶段大减价期限&#8231;部份 Arlen Ness, Berik, 意大利Suomy 头盔, 意大利Leo Vince 排气, 米其连轮汰及所有BG改装部份将低至 5折发售.</P>
<>In order to raise our already Internationally Famous Top Grade Customer service, From 10/Jan/07, Star Bike will be offering a Full Internet Purchase Service to our members and Biker friend from all over the World.<BR>为了再进一步提升星际巳於国际知名的高水平客户服务, 由07年1月10日起, 星际将为我们亚太会员及国际车友增加提供网上订购服务<BR>Buyers can view a FULL Collection of our Sale products at the BG-Star Bike Website : <A href=""></A> , they can place an on-line order or send in an enquiry that Star Bike staffs will reply within 24 hours.<BR>车友将可在星际-BG网站 <A href=""></A> 内查看星际之全线减价产品, 及在线订购或查询, 星际人员将於24小时内回覆查询</P>
<>DOOR to DOOR&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fitting and Delivery <BR>上门试穿服务</P>
<>Bikers who live in Hong Kong will further enjoy a UNIQUE Star Bike only DOOR – DOOR Fit and Try service for all Arlen Ness/Berik Apparels, Suomy Helmets,&nbsp; whether it’s a 1 pc Race leather suit or a Team shirt, Bikers can go up to the BG/Star Bike Sale website, pick the Item, Color and approx Size (Recommendation can be provided by Star Bike Staffs by buyers providing their Height and Weight), Star Bike Staffs will arrange for a appropriate time to either come to your office (day time from 11.00am – 6.00p) or your Home (6.00pm-9.30pm) so you can try on the selected apparel/Helmet of your choice.<BR>居住在香港特区之车友更可享受到星际提供之全球唯一之上门试穿服务, 试穿产品为Arlen Ness/Berik 皮衣及服饰, 意大利Suomy头盔.<BR>车友可於星际网站上挑选产品, 颜色及尺码 (星际可由车友提供之体重及身高向车友提供大概尺寸淮则) 星际客户服务员会与车友确认上门之时间, 带同车友欲购之产品到车友办公室(日间11.00am-86.00pm) 或车友住所(晚上6.00pm-9.30pm) 以便车友可以试穿/试戴.</P>
<>In the case of the item that doesn’t fit or is not to the buyer’s liking, Star Bike will take the item back or change to a different size with absolutely no charges or fee for this Fit and Try DOOR – DOOR Service. <BR>如产品因尺码不对或买家不喜欢实物产品, 星际将拿回货品而不会对客方收取任何<BR>费用或向容人更换产品再试.</P>
<>If the item that you’d picked is to your liking, then buyers can purchase the item on the spot, we accept Cash, Credit Card or EPS payment for all Hong Kong Purchases. <BR>We also offer the same Door – Door Delivery services for ALL other Star Bike products Including Leo Vince Exhaust, Ohlins suspensions, Michelin Tyres.<BR>But if you choose to have Star Bike’s Multple Championship winning Engineers to install and set up the Performance Parts onto your machine, then we only charge&nbsp; a lower then current market set up fee.<BR>如家人试穿後满意而欲购买该产品, 客人可於当埸以现金, 信用卡或易办事卡付款.</P>
<>星际对其他代理产品用Leo Vince 排气系统, 瑞典Ohlins避震, 米其连轮呔及其他改装产品亦提供上门送货服务, 但如客人须由星际/BG之多年冠军赛车エ程人员提供安装及调教服务, 星际将只收取比市面更低之装调费用以便答谢所有车友长期之支持及爱护.<BR></P>
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